Saturday, December 10, 2005


看過了一本叫The Alchemist的書

Sunday, November 27, 2005

11月27日 不消費日


Sunday, October 30, 2005


加咗個xbox gamer card 喺side bar 度

Sunday, October 16, 2005







Wednesday, October 12, 2005

掌 門 狗 道 具 付 諸 一 炬

動 畫 電 影 《 超 級 無 敵 掌 門 狗 之 世 紀 大 騙 兔 》 上 周 末 成 為 美 國 票 房 冠 軍 , 但 位 於 英 國布 里 斯 托 爾 、 存 放 所 有 掌 門 狗 珍 貴 文 獻 的 貨 倉 , 昨 晨 無 故 起 火 , 損 失 金 額 暫 難 以 估計 。

原 創 者 自 我 安 慰
一 手 創 造 掌 門 狗 系 列 的 Aardman Animations , 其 位 於 布 里 斯 托 爾 的 貨 倉 於 英 國 昨日 凌 晨 五 時 無 故 發 生 大 火 , 由 於 貨 倉 內 物 品 大 部 份 為 膠 製 品 , 貨 倉 內 三 層 物 品 均 燒成 灰 燼 。 公 司 的 發 言 人 說 : 「 我 們 今 天 應 該 為 票 房 好 好 慶 祝 , 但 大 火 將 我 們 公 司 由七 六 年 開 始 的 全 部 歷 史 燒 毀 , 我 們 難 過 極 了 。 」 但 掌 門 狗 的 原 創 者 Nick Park 卻 自 我 安 慰 說 : 「 相 比 起 南 亞 日 前 發 生 的 大 地 震 , 今 次 一 場 火 算 是 甚 麼 ? 」

CNN News

自己除咗中意Wallace & Gromit之外,都算係半個動畫人。我好明白自己啲心機一下子唔見晒係咩感覺(我諗有D似比人飛),當時我唔見晒成份作品,自己就喺個無人見到嘅地方到喊咗出黎(都話咗似比人飛㗎啦)

Nick Park做咗20幾年,你估下佢有幾痛...


Aardman Animations Ltd.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Monday, September 19, 2005

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots

In this Tokyo Game Show 2005, Konami debuts the official trailer of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots on Playstation3. The entire trailer is created and played real time on the PS3 hardware. This is one of the tradition of Metal Gear Solid series--no pre-rendered movie, and this is one of the reasons I admire Hideo Kojima so much.
If you have ever tried buliding 3d models/scenes, you get to know how hard it would be creating all objects, effects, environments in real time method, means no photoshoping at all.
Talk about the trailer, it shows the brand new ultra-realism style created by PS3 which is almost identical to CG movies.
When I saw some screen shots before watching the trailer, all shots focus on an old man wearing a Solid Snake Style Sneaking Suit (SSSSS?!). Which makes me doubt he is Solid Snake. But once I heard "This is Snake, can you hear me?", all things cleared.
Why Snake become an old man while Otacon looks just a bit mature? According to Liquid Snake, Metal Gear Solid on PS1, all clones of the Big Boss suffer from fast aging. Solid Snake in MGS2: Sons of Liberity looks elder then his age. After the X years pasted the Big Shell incident, it is quite reasonable Solid Snake gets older than that. However, besides getting old, Snake once in huge pain and has injection for cure. It makes me think of FOXDIE, which kills Liquid in Shadow Mosses Island. I started thinking Snake will die in Guns of Patriots. Speaking of the subtitle, it always contains the key factors of the story. MGS4 will continue the story line of MGS2, that's for sure and was stated some time ago. The story of MGS4 might be focusing on the Patriots(or the Philosophers in MGS3), and the new Metal Gear MoonLight in the trailers hints the technology of Metal Gear is now even more popular and more personalize/portable. You may think the new Metal Gear weird, or freaky, or even something Silent Hill. But lets look into it, it combines the upper part of Metal Gear Rex and modified legs of Metal Gear Ray(now with toes!). Which means adding strong fire power to superior mobility(Ray does jump and swim like u do). If Snake really die in MGS4, it suits the annoucement of Hideo Kojima retiring from the production after MGS4, everything will have a new start. I really appreciate his decision. Hey, he has been working on this series for 10 years now! I'd rather see something new from him, maybe on Nintendo Revolution?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Monday, August 29, 2005






厠所位 - cookie


30'mething tee

30'mething tee MkII dx 改

30'mething tee 脫著

MV: 男子組



Hompy,係李嘉誠旗 下嘅李澤楷旗下嘅PCCW旗下嘅Netvigator旗下嘅所推出,嚟迎合部 落格(blog)熱潮嘅其中一個中文blog. 延續Netvigator嘅傳統, Hompy 係只support Bill Gate旗下嘅Microsoft旗下嘅Internet Explorer 5.0+......我用Firefox 同 Safari 架嗎...潮到咁,點得姐?!

我唔會停個 Hompy 嘅...不過 Blogger 好好多...
我個 Hompy